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Twitch Writer vs Youtube Writer

Updated: Jan 7

Ahoy! Some of you know that I stream some of my writing sessions on Twitch. At the same time, I have a Youtube Channel dedicated to creating videos talking about writing-related topics for my personal branding.

What is the difference between writing on Twitch and making writing videos on Youtube?

Let's break it down to what type of audiences are in each platform.


Twitch has an interactive audience who want the streamer to respond to them while they stream in the chat. Call it a live show if you will but trust me, it is very hard to focus on creating a new chapter with so many comments and questions in the chat. Hence, it isn't productive to do that on stream, not to mention that it might not hold the attention of your viewers.

However, you can create interesting stream activities or content on Twitch that would boost your influence. By creating writing sprint activities, 15-minute prompt challenges, audience-based stories live from the chat decision, you can create a loyal fan base and subsequently move some of the stream highlights to Youtube. Some writers have already done similar things although there aren't many Twitch Streamer Writers so there is still room for you to squeeze in there and make a name!


Almost everyone has heard of Youtube. You might use it to watch cat videos or find your favourite music there. Youtube has basically just about everything from make-up tutorials to funny moment compilations. Hence, it isn't difficult to find your market on Youtube.

Making videos doesn't have to be a difficult process. You don't need to spend too much time creating video content either. Vlogging is a good way to get started. Think of it as verbal blogging. Many writers own a blog talking about various topics so it shouldn't be too hard narrating your blogs into vlogs. Why will people want to watch your Youtube videos? The answer is simple. Some people hate reading and prefer watching or listening instead.

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Now that we understand the difference between what Twitch and Youtube do as well as their targeted audience, let's ask a few important questions for you to consider before you venture into the video making world.

Q1. How much time are you willing to invest in making content on these platforms?

If you're looking at something dedicated for an hour once or twice a week on the go, you're looking at Twitch.

Do note that while you can export the full stream directly to Youtube, it is still better to spend some time editing interesting parts of your stream before uploading it to Youtube. That could take anything from twenty minutes to a few hours. If you do not intend to export to Youtube at all, it is fine.

If you are looking at using your free time on your own time own target pace of creating content that uploads only once a week or once a month, you're looking at Youtube. Youtube videos don't have to be very long. You can spend an hour or less drafting a video content, making the video and editing it into a ten-minute long clip. It's even quicker if you do voice layovers and with blog content written for your vlogs.

Q2. Do you mind showing your face on camera?

While it isn't compulsory to show your face on camera at all, most Twitch audience prefer to see a person's face while they watch the stream. It isn't the case on Youtube. Hence, if you are camera shy or don't intend to get a camera, the chances are that you could opt for Youtube instead of Twitch.

Q3. Are you comfortable with replying to people instantly or do you require time to think about how to phrase your answers?

This is important. Many times people will watch your reactions on a live stream on Twitch and you can be criticized harshly if your honest reactions don't sit right with them. Everyone has a bad day and many times people don't mean what they say or think before the words leave their mouths. We can't be blamed for that but the community isn't as forgiving. If your heart is made of glass, don't go for Twitch.

Q4. Do you know how to do video editing or are willing to spend more time doing it?

This is important for those looking to move content from their live streams on Twitch to Youtube. If you aren't willing to learn to edit or put in the effort, don't start a Youtube channel. Just stick with Twitch. Exporting a whole live stream that you did for 3 hours isn't going to attract you any audiences. You're just going to be wasting time. Youtube content is a baby that requires naturing just like all your marketing content.

Q5. What is the purpose of making videos or streaming? Is it for marketing purposes or getting to know your fans better?

This is subjective. While you can do both on either platform, I personally feel that Twitch allows you to be more involved with your audience with real-time interaction. The same cannot be said of Youtube where it appears slightly more professional.

I would recommend Youtube for marketing purposes and attracting your audiences with the right titling while making Twitch a place for people who already know you to become part of your fandom.

That said, all of the above are personal opinions and discovery after I tried both platforms. Twitch streams can be fun when you have people watching and talking to you but it could be equally discouraging when the crowd doesn't appear in the beginning. Getting affiliate on Twitch is also not easy. At the same time, Youtube is a very saturated platform with many content creators doing the same thing. The need for regular updates in order to grow your channel can take a toll on some people too. Creative burn out from thinking of what your next video should be about can traumatise some people.

I've said what I have to about this topic. If you still have questions and are curious about starting something similar yourself, as always feel free to drop me a message on any of my social media accounts or join my discord server.

Fair winds for now and keep on writing!

Destiny Aitsuji

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